About This Site
No, you're not alone in this city! If you are new to this site - and/or to this condition - stop feeling like you're out in the cold, a romantic "leper", living with a terrible secret. There are so many of us - IN VANCOUVER!. Having cruised through pretty much every herpes dating site on the entire Internet, it occurred to me that there was really only ONE site that had a good number of local results for Vancouver. AND they had an affiliate program! So ... just click the BIG PINKĀ Browse Local Singles button on the top right - and you can just ...

Find A Partner Who Has Herpes Too – And It Doesn’t Even Matter!
Spring Is Sprung. The grass is riz. We all know where the herpes is - it's all over this town! But seriously! Now that every day seems a little bit warmer and sunnier here in Vancouver where we suffer through month after month of rain and gray skies, it's only natural to want to go for a walk or a bike on the sea wall with someone special. If you are single and have herpes, you are probably torn between one of nature's strongest impulses - to pair-up - and a legitimate hesitation to bring up the STD talk with someone new. Thankfully there ...

Vancouver Herpes Dating Blog

No, of course no names will be named here! It’s just so important to remember that you are NOT alone! Seriously! You may have just received your herpes diagnosis today or you may have been walking around with HSV for decades but sometimes it’s easy to feel alone, isolated, different, a romantic pariah. But don’t worry, there... [Read more...]

Here in Vancouver, the summer has been awesome, if a little excessively hot from time to time. Now the PNE is underway, signalling the peak and the impending wind-down of our most precious month. How do you feel if you have genital herpes and are keeping it secret inside yourself, watching couples hand-in-hand walking the seawall, enjoying water sports,... [Read more...]

There is something about finding love in a time of adversity, finding companionship after enduring isolation, coming into the light after hiding in the shadows…. If this website helps one person (and it has probably helped many) get from the throes of sadness & loneliness through to the other side where the tears are gone and the smiles are... [Read more...]

Believe it or not, the days are getting longer now, the Winter is concluding, and a new year has begun! Why not get out there and find your true love? If you are one of the legion of Vancouver singles saying to yourself: “I have herpes – who would want to go out with me” – please think again! The HSV / genital herpes virus is... [Read more...]

Here it is, Spring again, Vancouver! As the dark skies change to a beautiful blue and Stanley Park and the Seawall beckon, we can be sure that everyone is getting a case of Spring Fever 2014! Don’t worry, it’s natural! Humans (including Vancouverites) are set up just the same as the birds and the bees in so many ways, and off we go in Springtime... [Read more...]

…or in other words: dating. There are different approaches that people take to their love-lives a fter THE DIAGNOSIS. Presumably, some people acquire the virus while with a partner and stay with that partner forever, never needing to brave the dating scene with their HSV-positive status. Most people with herpes, however, find themselves at some... [Read more...]

Vancouver can be one of the most exciting and romantic cities on Earth – especially in the summertime – so whatever you do, don’t waste your energy feeling lonely and out of the dating loop right now when there are so many local singles who feel EXACTLY THE SAME AS YOU DO! It’s not like “The Olden Days” when herpes... [Read more...]

Spring Is Sprung. The grass is riz. We all know where the herpes is – it’s all over this town! But seriously! Now that every day seems a little bit warmer and sunnier here in Vancouver where we suffer through month after month of rain and gray skies, it’s only natural to want to go for a walk or a bike on the sea wall with someone... [Read more...]

Yes, you need to disclose your herpes status before engaging in sexual activities with a partner. But… how does that fit into the whole process of dating, getting to know each other, deciding if the relationship will ever even become sexual…? Surely one does not blurt it out on the first coffee date, but is it wise to wait until you are... [Read more...]

Yes There Are SO MANY People Just Like YOU!! If you have been disappointed by Herpes dating sites that take a chunk of your time filling out personal information and then offer you zero results within your geographical area, then search no further if you are in Vancouver, Canada. After receiving the HSV diagnosis (which can feel like a verdict but doesn’t... [Read more...]
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